Study on the Dynamic Lubrication Characteristics of the Ultra-thin Gas Film in Hard Disk Drive 超薄磁头/磁盘气膜动态润滑特性分析研究
Properties of Surface Oxidation Film in CMP of Computer Hard Disk Substrate 计算机硬盘基片CMP中表面膜特性的分析研究
Film sizing table the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material. 薄膜分级式冲洗淘汰盘硬盘被一层薄薄的磁性材料覆盖着。
Research on Hard Discs Maintenance and Information Security Development Properties of Surface Oxidation Film in CMP of Computer Hard Disk Substrate 计算机硬盘维护与信息安全开发技术研究计算机硬盘基片CMP中表面膜特性的分析研究
Numerical solution of Reynolds 'equation for ultra-thin gas film lubrication at the head/ disk interface 磁头/盘界面超薄气体润滑雷诺方程的数值求解
Dynamic Character of Ultra Thin Film Gas lubrication for Magnetic Head/ Disk 磁头/硬盘超薄膜气体润滑动态性能分析
Thermal Stability Study of the Granular Film Quantum Magnetic Disk by the Damage Spreading Method 颗粒膜量子磁盘热稳定性的损伤扩散研究
The resonance coefficient is small in cases of thinner gas film and slower disk rotation speed. 共振系数在小盘速和薄气膜下较小;
The wave theories of sheet and circular jets were applied to analyze the disintegration of metallic melts in film formation regime during centrifugal atomization by rotating disk. 应用平面和圆柱液膜破碎的波理论研究了旋转盘离心雾化膜状分裂区的粉末尺寸的预测方法;
Dye-polymer film medium in optical disk system 用于光盘记录介质的偶氮染料-聚合物复合材料
Calculation and Analysis on Dynamic Performances for Ultra-thin Gas Film Lubrication of Magnetic Head/ Disk 磁头/磁盘超薄气膜润滑动特性计算与分析
Operator-Splitting Method to Calculate Pressure of Ultra-Thin Gas Film of Magnetic Head/ Disk 计算机磁头/磁盘超薄气膜润滑压强的算子分裂算法
The natural frequencies of coupling system decrease with increase of the film thickness, and are not sensitive to disk rotation speed. 耦合系统的三个模态上的固有频率都随气膜特征厚度增加而减小;磁盘转速对耦合系统的固有频率和衰减率的影响都不大。
Conclusions X-ray plain film is valuable in the diagnosis of thoracolumbar bursting fracture. CT is superior to plain film in revealing spine three-pole structure, appendix fracture, spinal stenosis, protrusion of intervertebral disk and the injury of spinal cord and nerve root. 结论X线平片对胸腰椎爆裂性骨折的诊断有一定价值,CT在显示脊柱三柱结构、附件骨折、椎管狭窄、椎间盘突出、脊髓及神经根损伤等细节方面优于X线平片。
The Measurement of Nano-scale Gas Film of Magnetic Head/ Disk by the Three-wavelength Optical Interference 三波长光干涉法测量磁盘/磁头纳米级气膜厚度
The numerical results show that the system stability can be improved in cases of thinner gas film and slower disk rotation speed. 计算结果表明:系统在小气膜厚度和低磁盘转速下能达到较好的稳定性。
Compared with mercury film electrode, oscillographic chronopotentiometry at silver disk electrode has fine sensitivity and precision. 与用汞膜电极的示波计时电位法相比,银盘电极上的示波计时电位法具有图形稳定、灵敏度高、精密度好及测定的线性范围宽等优点。
A Study of Dynamic Floating Theory in Ultra-Thin Gas Film On the Dynamic Measurement of Head-Medium Spacing of Disk Drive 头盘微小间隙动态浮动理论研究头盘间距动态测试算法
This method is also applicable to the analysis of the rotor-support system with unsymmetric stiffness. To solve the transient response of the system, expressions of the transient squeeze film force and expressions of the transfer matrix of a disk in transient response are derived. 为了求转子系统的瞬态响应,还分析、导出了瞬态挤压油膜力,盘、质点在瞬态响应中的传递矩阵等的表达式。
Voltammetric Behavior of Neurotrasmitter-Dopamine in Polymer-AQ Film Microarray Disk Electrode and Its Determination by Stripping Voltammetry 神经递质多巴胺在AQ修饰组合微电极上的伏安行为及其伏安溶出法测定
Researching Progress of Magnetic Head Ultra-thin Gas Film Lubrication in Hard Disk 硬盘磁头超薄气膜润滑研究进展